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Why my Face is Oilier than other Body parts..........?

The face begins at the anterior hair line stops at the ears, and is bounded by the lateral jaw line and chin. It is most complex and challenging are of the body having mysterious secrets and exceptional creativity of natural features.

The face is the purveyor of our image, personality, health and our age. That’s why we take extra care of our face. As we take care of our face, we often notice that the face is oilier than other body parts. We already know our skin has its own lipid barrier on surface which is regulated by sebaceous gland, sweat glands and skin pores.

The Core reason of oily face is concentration of active sebaceous glands. On the face there are 400-900 sebaceous glands per centimeter and less than 100/cm2 elsewhere in body.

Following are the reasons which are responsible for the enhancing production of sebum.

1. Genetics: the activity of sebaceous gland is carried through genes of our parents. If our parents have oily skin chances of our skin oiliness is more.

2. Age: Age plays an important role in size of sebaceous glands pores, as the age increase the size of gland also increase. But the activity of oil gland slows down. Reason of this low production sebum at certain age is still nebulous. The transcendent thing of oily face is, it slow down the premature wrinkles as compared to dry skin.

3. Hormonal changes: Our regular routine can also cause oily face. If we over consume oily foods, over exertion, effect of medicines, improper cleaning, stress, etc. can indirectly cause the hormonal changes which affects the sebum production.

4. Weather: Seasonal and geographical conditions can directly affect our skin. Dry weather can cause dry and scaly skin by the trans epidermal water loss from skin, like wise summer have heat and humid atmosphere that can cause over secretion of sebum and leads to oily & greasy skin and clog the pores.

5. Extra Cleansing: As our face is more exposed to environment than other body parts, we try to clean it regularly. But this regularity should be in its limit, because if we clean our face too much, natural oil from skin is washed off and leads to dry face and need moisturizer. If we don’t moisturize the skin, sebaceous glands again start production of sebum and by this continuous process the pores become large face becomes oily.

6. Personal hidden habits: 21st century is the full of party animals and snap lover. In this busy schedule we are forgetting about our skin’s need. Oily junk fast foods, daily heavy makeup, improper cleansing of makeup, high exposure to pollution, food full of pesticide, over exposure to electronic gadgets etc., are indirectly acting as slow poison to our skin. These things are slowly misbalancing the skins natural beauty.

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