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Extrinsic skin ageing is the premature ageing of the skin due to the external environmental factors such as sun exposure, inflammation, tobacco use and poor health habits. We do have control over the factors contributing the extrinsic ageing.

Factors which cause the extrinsic ageing

Sun exposure:

When skin is exposed to sunlight, UV radiation is absorbed by skin that can generate harmful compounds, called reactive oxygen species (ROS), which then cause oxidative damage to cellular components like cell walls, lipid membranes, mitochondria and DNA.

Photoaged skin is classified according to the Glogau score and the degree of wrinkling observed as:

  • Mild (age28-35yrs): Few wrinkles, no keratoses

  • Moderate (age35-50): Early wrinkling, sallow complexion with early actinic keratoses

  • Advanced (age50-60): persistent wrinkling, discoloration of the skin telangiectasis and actinic keratoses

  • Sever (age65-70): severe wrinkling, photoaging, gravitational and dynamic forces affecting the skin.

Effects of smoking:

Tobacco smoking seriously affects the internal organs of the body as well as affects a person’s appearance by altering the skin and body weight and shape. Cigarette smoking is strongly associated with elastosis in both sexes and red spots on men’s skin. It damages the capillary blood flow to the skin, which in turn creates oxygen and nutrient deprivation in cutaneous tissues.


Environmental pollution despite skin’s barrier properties. The skin has a point for entry of substances capable of causing harm e.g. particulate matter, exposure to xenobiotics, pesticides, topical drugs and heavy cosmetics.

Life style influence:

The health of our skin is directly dependent on our daily routine and life style. Some common habits can make major cause on skin health. Without sunscreen in short cloths we shouldn’t expose ourselves to sun. we have to add fruits, vegetables, meat in our diet. Heavy makeup can clog the pores and disbalance the anhelation of skin this can be cause major problem to skin.

Climatic temperature and humidity conditions:

Skin is affected by ambient conditions such as temperature and humidity. An increase in skin temp by 7-80C doubles the trans epidermal water loss. Low temperature stiffens skin and decreases evaporative water loss even with plenty of humidity in arias structural proteins and lipid in skin are critically dependent on temp for appropriate conformation.

Sign of Extrinsic ageing:

  • Abnormal pigmentation

  • Elastosis

  • Tactile roughness

  • Diffuse redness

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