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Hair Care Products

Healthy hairs are also equally important as healthy skin to show and flaunt our beauty and also to keep us distinct from crowd. So, it is inevitable to take special care of hairs, because after skin hairs are the elements that come in contact with external harmful factors such as dust, pollutants, soot, particulate matters etc., we are blessed by cosmetics industry, they care about hairs by making the astonishing hair care products.

We are here trying to categorize them on the basis of applications:

Shampoos: These are the ordinary cleansing products we all are familiar with. These are basically made for cleansing purpose. They help to get rid of excess of oil, sebum, styling products, dirt, soot, pollutant, dust, etc. Shampoos are categorized in following main three categories:

1. Liquid Shampoo – These are regular cleansing liquid-based shampoos available with diverse claims and benefits such as conditioning, split end removal, anti-dandruff, anti-hair fall, etc.

2. Powder Shampoo – Powder shampoos are not much popular as liquid shampoos. Powder shampoo are basically formulated to prevent water loss due to hair washing.

3. Color Shampoo – These types of shampoo are specially developed for those people who want to color their hairs without wasting time. Within 15-20 min you can get colored hair while bathing.

Hair Conditioner: These types of hair care products are used for extra care of hair. They leave a deposit of lubricous layer on hair shaft that reduces the friction and improve the manageability of hairs with extra benefits such as

  • Improved style and manageability.

  • Gives soft and silky feel.

  • Improves shine with reduction of static flyaway.

  • Inhibit mechanical damage.

Conditioners categories are categories in two main types

Rinse-off: These types of conditioners are containing positive charged cationic surfactants which binds to negative charged hair surface. Conditioners form a smooth protective layer with the help of active material and improve the health of hair. These are available in cream, lotion, liquid, mask, powder form.

Leave-on: Leave on type of conditioner is applied on wet or dry hairs and left without rinsing. They are aqueous or alcohol-water solvent system. They provide moisture and detangling effect to facilitate combing and style retention. Generally, they are available in spray or in cream form after this you go for styling products on hair.

Hair Serum: The more active concentrated product than cream and lotions are called serum. Hair serums contains more concentration of active ingredients which protect the hair from breaking, frizziness and also helps to nourish the hairs. Hair serum also provides excellent conditioning, silky lustrous hairs, and smoothing effects. They are available in clear liquid, cream gel or in lotion form.

Hair styling products: Wooo…. We are talking about hair styling products. Your hair style has direct impact on your personality, charm, sometimes also on your age. So be sure before styling your hairs. Lot of hair styling products are available in market, you just have to choose which one is suitable for you.

Hair setting products: These are the products used to set the hairs hairs. We can use them at home or by professionals at salon. By these products we can manage the hairs either by setting them or changing pattern of hairs from curly to straight or straight to curly. The semi-permanent or temporary effective products are available in gel, wax, spray, cream form. Generally, the permanent hair styling products do 1- or 2-year effect on structure of hair and are mostly available in cream, lotion or sometimes in wax form.

Hair Coloring Products: The hair coloring products are used to change natural color of hairs, they have temporary effect. The permanent color of our hair is dependent on concentration of melanin in hair which is produced by melanocytes. Hair coloring products are available in wax, cream, shampoo, powder, spray and in dye form.

Hair Oils:

Hair oil is used on scalp hair and beard as a cosmetic conditioner, styling aid, restorative product or as a tonic. Humans have their own natural oil know as sebum, it is produced from sebaceous gland which are present at end of each hair follicle. Other mammals also produce their own oil known as lanolin.

On the basis of raw material used in hair oils, they are divided in following three types

Type 1: These types of hair oils contain only vegetable oils or oil as base oil.

Type 2: Type 2 hair oils contain mineral oil as base oil.

Type 3: The mixture of both vegetable and mineral oils are the type 3 hair oils.

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