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Easy to Hydrate..... Face Mist

Your skin always tells you about your health and daily routine. Everyone wants their skin hydrated, wrinkle free and even toned. But in this busy life we don’t have that much time to take care of our skin. Also considering the pollution and climate change our hairs and skin gets damaged easily. Thanks to cosmetic chemist, they have solutions for this busy life to reduce the time and we can easily take care of our skin.

What is Face Mist?

Creams, serums are effective but they are time consuming and are high priced as compared to spray mist. Yes, it is true that cost is depends on the ingredients which are used in that product but still it affects to daily personal care routine.

Now we will think like any ordinary person does, if our cream or serum can keep us hydrated then why should we spend extra money on mist type of products?

But there is one secret of mist, it works like raining water to plants. We can understand the comparison of plants in both the seasons. In summer despite of watering the plants continuously, no freshness and greenery is observed as efficiently as it is seen in monsoon. This is because when it rains, it is in the mist form over leaves.

Same mechanism we can provide to our skin through mist. When the mist is sprayed on face the tiny droplets are settled on upper surface of skin, as their tiny size they can easily penetrate into the skin without any external force of rubbing or massaging. Due to this mechanism, active ingredients hits on the skin, enters inside and starts working immediately and visible changes are observed instantly.

One Japanese researcher proved that, the mist droplets size is 0.5µ or smaller with no charge on them and easily passes through the skin keratinocyte and sebaceous film, permeate the stratum corneum and increase the water content of corneal layer. The sprayed mist will retain their moisture up to 360min in skin as it is.

Another mechanism of mist is when it sprayed over the face the skin doesn’t have any idea about where and what size of droplets will drop on skin surface. This process is very surprising and curious for the sensory nerve, according to that droplets our skin nerve system will respond. Suddenly occurred this spray on skin also excite the blood capillaries and enhance the blood circulation.

Why mist?

  • Mist gives instant hydration.

  • It helps to maintain natural moisture of skin and also attract the external moisture.

  • Almost all mists contain the hydrosols/ Extract which has intense immediate activity on skin.

  • Easy to use and spray over skin.

  • Mist can be use repeatedly as required.

  • It activates the blood capillaries and increase the blood circulation.

  • It gives fresh feeling after each application.

  • Face cooling increase the cerebral blood flow at rest and during exercise.

How to use Face Mist?

1. Close your eyes.

2. Pick up your favorite mist.

3. Take away the mist from face up to 6-8 inches.

4. Spray over the face surface.

How to choose Face Mist?

Well, the right face mist for skin depends upon the type of skin and skin condition. We can get lot of mists in market on the basis of skin problems and superiority of that mist.

  • Dry Skin: people who have dry skin should use those mists which contains the raw materials that provides hydration to skin. The mists contain ingredients such as hyaluronic acids, sodium pyrrolidine carboxylic acid, squalene, derivatives of oils, some popular extracts like aloe vera, cucumber, calendula etc.

  • Normal or combination skin: This type of skin does not require higher hydration, need just a lock or prevention of evaporation of existing moisture. You have to go through the products which contain raw material such as natural extracts, hydrosols etc. or on the basis of their claims such as refreshing, calming etc.

  • Sensitive skin: people have to go through the chemically tested or the mist which are claiming as allergens free. Those who have sensitive skin must be check the mist before use at neck or beside the ear.

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