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Skin Ageing

The human body has beautiful, soft, supple, smooth skin that is all one color. As skin is exposed to environment, it defend itself against diseases, and is affected by nutrition, health habits, exposure to light and pollution and with time, it begins to change.

Natural and healthy ageing is a series of structural and functional changes independent of time; these changes are cumulative, progressive, intrinsic and deleterious, which usually begin to manifest in reproductive maturity and finally end in death.

The endogenous and exogenous factors lead to the oxidative stress and which in turn causes the generation of free radicals i.e. Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in the skin. It is most harmful contributor to skin ageing, leading to loss of cells and degeneration of extracellular matrix.

Following are the core factors of ageing process:

Extrinsic Factors: Extrinsic factors are represented by personal lifestyle and environmental factors, e.g., smoking, sun exposure, heavy makeup, unbalanced diet, lack of sleep, stress, over exposure to electronic items, pollution etc., Many more other extrinsic factors are also responsible for ageing.

Many medical and cosmetics scientist now believe that 85% of the ageing process is due to extrinsic factors.

Intrinsic Factors: Intrinsic is the natural ageing process. that actually happens by passing of the years, wearing out of body, gravity, hormonal changes, especially during and after menopause and genetic factors.

The endogenous mechanism of skin ageing is very complex and representative of the ageing theory mainly include:

  • The free radical theory

  • Theory of genetic gene

  • Mitochondrial DNA damage theory and other theories.

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