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Hemp Seed Oil

Cannabis Sativa L. an herbaceous plant called Hemp has been grown for many centuries for its fiber and oil. Hemp seed has a high nutritional value which is cultivated for non-drug use. Hemp is a naturally occurring chemical compound that plays important role in treating various diseases. It has no psychoactive side effects, such as THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). Hemp seed has high nutritional values which demonstrate effective health benefits. Nowadays, hemp seeds have high demand in commercial and industrial products such as pharmaceutical, cosmeceutical, and nutraceutical industries.

Biological source:

The hemp seed oil is cold-pressed from the tiny oval shaped nuts which are obtained from the plant Cannabis sativa L. belonging to the family cannabaceae.

Basically, hemp seeds are grown throughout the world but certified low-THC hemp seed is obtained from Canada, Europe, and China and is under development in Australia and the United States.

The presence of THC in hemp seed traces the drug activity whereas CBD is considered as non-drug due to the absence of THC. CBD consumption offers many benefits for mental and physical health. Hemp seed is a high source of digestible protein and this tiny nut has high nutritional value as well. Seeds have relatively hard shells when mature and vary in shape. The energy in hemp seed is in the form of fats and essential fatty acid, polyunsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid, etc.

CBD can be found in different forms, especially oil, the most popular form having high industrial value. Hempseed oil is cold pressed from seed which is high in unsaturated fatty acid which is quickly absorbed. It is a rich source of digestible protein therefore used as cooking oil and improves the food quality. It not tastes and smells good but also extremely rich in lipid nutrients.

The essential fatty acids are well represented in hemp seed oil. The main component to be first identified in hemp seed oil was linoleic acid. Hemp seed oil becomes solid so it can be further used in the formulation of cosmetics.


  • Hemp seed oil is an exceptionally rich source of unsaturated fatty acid, mainly the essential fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid, linolenic acid that the human body cannot produce. This oil is rich in omega-3 & omega-6 fatty acids which are essential for human health.

  • The component omega-6 linoleic acid is about 55% and omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid is about 20%.

  • The significant amount of other metabolic products are found i.e, the alpha linolenic acid ranges from 1-45 and steridonic acid about 0.5 to 2%.

  • The percentage of another remaining fatty acid in hemp seed oil is palmitic acid which is about 5% and oleic acid 9%.


  • Color – Clear green to olive color

  • Taste – Fresh nutty taste

  • Odor – Fresh nutty smell

  • Solubility- Insoluble in water and soluble in organic solvents


  1. The oval shaped tiny seeds are cold-pressed and good quality of the oil is obtained. The aesthetic quality of the product should be maintained to increase the shelf life of the oil.

  2. Bulk hydraulic pressing is an alternative to cold pressing, but this subsequent process is carried out under an inert atmosphere, but such facilities are usually not set up for the production of high-quality hemp seed oil.

  3. Supercritical carbon dioxide can also be used for the extraction of food grade oil under low temperature and an inert atmosphere. But the drawback of this process is that it is costly.

  4. Solvent extraction is done for inexpensive industrial production which cannot be consumed by humans. But is largely used in industries.

Application in cosmetics:

The hemp seed oil has high demands not only in culinary but also in cosmetic preparation. It is used in the manufacturing of creams, lotions, serums, and many other cosmetics. The higher content of alpha-linolenic acid in the unrefined oil could explain the increase in antibacterial activity. A minor component such as tocopherols and tetrahydrocannabinol is removed, which may contribute to the antibacterial activity of unrefined hemp seed oil. Hemp seed oil possesses anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce age spots and fine lines and also reduces hyperpigmentation, acne, and also other skin problem such as aging.

The hemp seed oil contains linoleic acid and oleic acid that cannot be produced by the body but can play a crucial role such as help to reduce fine lines, wrinkles and prevent signs of aging. The content of this oil also helps to nourish the skin, it plumps the look of skin, also firms and tightens the skin's appearance, and provide antioxidant property as well, that helps to promote beautiful skin. This oil is perfect for all skin types as it moisturizes without clogging pores. It also helps to balance out oily skin, hydrate, and regulating skin oil production. This oil was also used in soaps for several years because of its essential fatty acid content, which means that the soap is smoother and a great moisturizer.

Hemp oil is an excellent remedy for dull hair that lacks vibrancy, as well as dry and itchy scalp. Gently massage a bit of oil into your scalp for a few minutes, the oil will invigorate your scalp and promote hair growth. This oil helps to stimulate hair growth, as hemp seed oil contains omega fatty acids which are necessary for stimulating hair growth. This oil can prevent hair from getting damaged due to pollution, prevent water loss, and make hair strands look gorgeous. Oil helps to prevent the penetration of certain substance into hair follicles and also prevent hair breakage by enhancing lubrication of the shaft.


  • Moisturizing agent

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Anti-bacterial

  • Antioxidant

  • Prevent acne or controls oil production

  • Non-comedogenic

  • Suitable for skin type

  • Tightens skin

  • Prevent signs of aging and wrinkles

  • Reduces hyperpigmentation

Health Benefits:

  • Fatty acids are integral in cell membrane formation and function at the molecular level, for example, improving skin hair and nail quality.

  • It helps to improve the skin quality of the patients that are suffering from atopic dermatitis.

  • It also helps to treat diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, varicose eczema, and lichen planus which is an inflammatory skin condition.

  • There comes a high quantity of beneficial fats and other compounds that help to treat diseases such as coeliac diseases can be treated by hemp seed oil.

  • The hemp seed oil contains polyphenol that helps to protect the brain.

  • Cardio-vascular diseases can also be treated by this oil, as it contains an increased amount of alpha-linolenic acid.

  • It has excellent anti-inflammatory property. The fatty acids in hemp seed oil may help to balance the skin and cure chronic acne.

  • This oil helps to release tension and stress.

  • Also used in the preparation of some medicaments.

  • It is low calorie oil used for cooking, which leads to positive weight loss.

  • This oil is also beneficial in hormonal balance and also boosts the immune system.

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