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Face Packs & Face Masks

Face packs and masks are cosmetic products that have a very long history. Face packs & mask are simple mixture of natural ingredients and chemicals. They are applied to skin allowed to dry in case of packs and are washed off. They are used for several purposes such as skin tightening, cleansing, hydration, etc.

Need of Face Packs & Masks:

Our skin is the delicate part of our body and is exposed to harsh factors such as pollution, dust, dirt. This leads to dullness of skin, clogging of pores. This may cause our skin look old and dull. Face packs and masks helps to get rid of pollutants and deep cleanses our skin along with hydration & nourishment.

Difference Between Face Packs & Masks:

The main difference between face mask & packs is that the face mask is a setting mask, while the face pack falls under the category of non-setting masks. A non-setting mask is one that does not require a lot of time to settle or dry, you can just apply it to your skin and rinse off the residue.

Classification of Face packs & Face Masks:

1) Cream Mask: Cream face masks are rich in oils and moisturizers that penetrate deeply and replenish dry skin cells. They are made up of emollient properties that soften the skin. They are suitable for normal to dry skin. They mainly contain moisturizing and nourishing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, oils and butters such as almond oil, avocado oil, etc.

2) Clay Mask: They are made of earthy clays and natural ingredients and are suitable for oily skin. These masks are having high absorption power that removes excess of oil and grease from the skin without stripping the skins natural oils. They are occlusive and cause the brain to send down natural skin plumpers and at the same time they are firming, detoxing and tightening the skin. Ingredients in such types of mask are earthy clays such as fuller’s earth, bentonite, green clay, zinc oxide, etc.

3) Gel Mask: They are known for soothing, cooling effect that is really great for dry and sensitive skin types that need hydration ahead of firming and detoxifying. They provides rehydration to the skin. They may contain ingredients such antioxidants, collagen, aloe vera, natural oils, etc.

4) Thermal Mask: Once thermal mask is applied to the skin, they slowly heat up. They open up the skin pores so the skin can breathe by warming up the surface tissue and this also removes blackheads. This helps in deep cleansing of the skin. It contain ingredients such as vitamins, kaolin, zinc oxide, etc.

5) Peel-off Mask: These types of face mask are thick gel type in consistency which are evenly applied on skin and then removed by peeling. They are available in paraffin wax, plastic or gel-like substances. They are used to stimulate blood flow in the skin, tightens the skin and suitable for normal to mature skin. They contain ingredients such as Vitamin C, fruit extracts, cucumber, aloe vera, charcoal, etc.

6) Warm oil Mask: Warm oil masks are used for excessive dry skin. They increase blood circulation to the skin which makes it smooth and soft. They also have antibacterial effect and skin tightening effect. They are made of ingredients such as olive oil, almond oil, vitamins, avocado oil, etc.

7) Sheet Mask: Sheet masks are face-shaped sheet fabrics soaked in serum. They need to be applied on the face, take off or pat in extra serum. They are available with variety of ingredients and are suitable for all skin types. They may contain ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, natural ingredients such as green tea, aloe vera, citrus extracts, etc.

8) Exfoliating Mask: They are used to remove dulling dead skin cells and remove deep seated dirt in the skin pores. They have gentle exfoliation and skin brightening properties. They contain ingredients such as alpha hydroxyl acids, beta hydroxyl acid, oatmeal, citrus extracts, etc.

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