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Certificates in Cosmetics

Updated: May 23, 2021

Manufacturers can certify cosmetic products & raw materials with different categories like vegan, ecocert and cruelty free etc. Certified logo or symbol on label of a product communicates a variety of things about the product. Here we see some common certified logos and what they mean.


It is an organic certification organization, founded in France in 1991. Their basic principle is 'to ensure an environmental friendly cosmetic product'. The use of ingredients derived from renewable resources, manufactured by environmentally friendly processes and the biodegradable or recyclable nature of packaging.

Ecocert therefore checks the absence of

  • GMO

  • Parabens

  • Phenoxyethanol

  • Silicone

  • Polyethylene glycol

  • Synthetic perfumes and dyes

Animal-derived ingredients (unless naturally produced by them: milk, honey, etc.).

They have two standards; Ecocert Natural and Ecocert Organic. Both standards state there has to be a minimum of 95% ingredients of 'natural origin'.

  • For the natural and organic cosmetic label:

A minimum of 95% of all plant-based ingredients in the formula and a minimum of 10% of all ingredients by weight must come from organic farming.

  • For the natural cosmetic label:

A minimum of 50% of all plant-based ingredients in the formula and a minimum of 5% of all ingredients by weight must come from organic farming. '' Lastly they state that ingredients such as water, salts and minerals cannot be certified as organic because they do not come from farming. This means that if you are formulating a cream with 70% water, the 30% of the remaining ingredients has to be either 95% or 50% certified organic to meet either their organic or natural standard. Ingredients such as actives, emulsifiers, preservatives must also be ingredients 'derived from renewable sources.


Halal is an Arabic term meaning ‘lawful or permissible. It gives purity and safety guaranteeing superior quality products.

For a cosmetic to be considered Halal, They must not have these ingredients to be contained:

  • Derived from pigs

  • Derived from animals allowed by the Muslim religion, but not slaughtered according to the prescribed ritual, or dead before slaughter.

  • Ethyl alcohol, intoxicants or any substance considered harmful to health (sulfate, paraben).

  • Genetically modified organisms (GMOs).


A vegan-certified cosmetic product is defined as containing no animal ingredients or by-products in formulation & manufacturing process and no testing on animals.

A product can be certified as “vegan” if the following four requirements are met:

  • No animal ingredients or ingredients derived or by product (milk, honey) from animals.

  • No animal testing of the ingredients or of the finished product.

  • No genetically-modified organisms involving animal genes or animal-derived substances.


It means that the ingredients or raw material and final product have not been tested on animals. It makes assured only about the testing process, not the ingredients, which means it is possible for a cruelty-free product to contain non-vegan ingredients such as honey, beeswax, lanolin, collagen, albumen, carmine, cholesterol, or gelatin.


It ensures that the product does not contain any wheat, rye, oats, barley or any other form of gluten (any ingredients or extracts). Gluten free helps to prevent the risk of adverse effects in sensitive individuals. gluten-Free’ if the traces of gluten do not exceed 20/ 10 ppm in the final product.


Genetically modified organism is an organism, in those genetic material has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural recombination. Non-GMO, it usually means that the genetic makeup of the plants and animals used in the product has not been altered.


  • That the product has been tested on human skin.

  • That the formula has been found to be mostly safe when applied to the skin.

  • That the finished product was well tolerated by persons who tested it on their skin, and in most cases, it did not cause skin reactions.

Clean Beauty

Clean means “non-toxic” and “harmless” not only for us but also for the environment. The clean beauty product may contain both natural and man-made ingredients, putting the focus on safety over source.


The Central Drugs Standard Control Organization is responsible for the import of cosmetics in India, the imported cosmetic products are required to be registered with CDSCO. Remember, if you don’t have a complete registration from the CDSCO Approvals, you cannot sell your pharmaceutical products & cosmetics in the country. The certification is a mark that the particular drug can be utilized for wholesale or for a specific application.


Kosher means kashrut or Jewish dietary law. This ensures the cleanliness, quality, and purity of the product. Kosher gives high standard product include cruelty free, eco-friendly ingredient and packaging, and non GMO formula.

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