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Algae in Cosmetics

Updated: Apr 14, 2021

Algae is the treasure found in water bodies. They survive without any problems and have ability to

adapt. There are several types of algae such as:

  • Blue green algae

  • Red algae

  • Green algae

  • Yellow brown algae

As per the April 2021 Maxine from personal care, algae is the forefront of new wave sustainable technology on both as an active and as excipient.

All have their difference according to the pigment they contain. Out of them Blue green algae also

known as spirulina is considered as superfood. Let’s see about what it actually is:

  • Spirulina is a microscopic blue-green algae, single celled organism, using light for life energy.

  • It is the first form of life on earth designed by nature more than 3.6 billion years ago.

  • Under microscope it appears as spiral shaped threads, hence the name spirulina.

  • Spirulina is exceedingly adaptable and occurs in a wide variety of environments including fresh water, tropical springs, saltwater and saltpans.

Geographical Distribution:

Spirulina grows naturally in ponds, lakes, rivers and all over the globe. It is incredible resistant to temperature and environmental fluctuations, it grows in pristine, non-contaminated sources with moderate temperatures and plenty of sunlight.

Lonar Lake, which was created by a meteor hitting the Earth during the Pleistocene epoch, is a saltwater lake at Lonar in Buldhana district, Maharashtra, India. Due to the alkalinity and pH of the lake it is a rich source of spirulina.

Chemical Constituents: Spirulina contains all types of proteins, vitamins, minerals salts, carbohydrates, pigments, essential fatty acids, and trace elements.

a) Proteins – Spirulina is rich in proteins and contains approximately 60-70% of its weight. It provides all types of proteins and is rich in ass essential amino acids. Hence, it is called as superfood.

b) Vitamins – It contains Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B12, and Vitamin E. It also contain carotene, carotenoids and has antioxidant properties and protect against aggression caused by free radicals.

c) Minerals – It has mineral content in it and it is rich in iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Benefits of Algae in Cosmetics:

Spirulina have several benefits in cosmetics and personal care. A diverse group bioactive substances like terpenoids, carotenoids, tocopherol, phenolic compounds, polysaccharides (fucoidan, carrageenan, alginates and agar), unsaturated fatty acids, mycosporine-loke amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids derived from marine algae are potential ingredients for cosmeceuticals. Hence, it is also called as miracle ingredient.

Functions of Algae in Different Types of Cosmetics:

  • Anti-aging Products: As algae contains carotene, antioxidants, Vitamin E and immunologically effective compounds, which are essential for anti-aging products. It helps to boost the collagen in the skin and prevents signs of aging.

  • Moisturizing Products: Spirulina has strengthening and healing properties for the skin. It improves elastin skin tissues, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and stimulates cell growth, help to retain its natural moisture balance of the skin. It also soothes the skin and moisturizes it.

  • Sun screening Effect: Spirulina contains Mycosporine like Amino Acid (MAA) molecule which is water-soluble and a secondary metabolites that can absorb UV light radiation with absorbance between 310 and 360 nm.

  • Skin Whitening Effect: Spirulina contains overwhelming range of nutrients present in it such as vitamins, calcium, iron, phosphorus, etc. It helps in toning the skin, reduces the melanin formation in the skin, and reduces damage due to heat and exposure to sun rays. It tightens and brightens the skin and maintain the skin in youthful skin.

  • Anti-cellulite Products: The mineral salts and iodine present in spirulina stimulate metabolism and cause increase in osmotic exchanges thus bringing about elimination of the excess fluids. This phenomenon is made use of in the treatment of cellulite and obesity. It helps to maintain skin elasticity, increase hydration, eliminates excess fat and cellulite from the body.

  • Skin Cleansers and Sheet Mask: Spirulina extracts can be used in facial cleansers and stabilizing and thickening agent in sheet masks. They help to detoxify the dirt and pollutants from skin surface as they possess metal binding capacity.

  • Shampoos and Hair Mask: Spirulina is rich in protein, minerals and vitamins and hence possesses several hair care properties. It revitalizes, strengthen the hairs, and nourishes them. It also helps in growth of hairs, maintains shine, luster, and make them stronger.

  • Hair Colorants: Spirulina can be used in hair coloring products due to the natural pigments they contain. Phycoerythrin, phycocyanin, etc. are some pigments present in it.

  • Anti-acne Products: Spirulina have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action against various species and hence can be used in anti-acne products.

  • Make-up Preparations: Spirulina can be used for various properties such as thickening, improving spreading, luster, and durability and for imparting color. Due to these properties, it can be used in eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, lipsticks, foundations, etc.

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